Shane and I have been talking about the girls and I staying here or going home. We have decided that we think it's best if we go home. I am excited about this but very sad at the same time. It hurts me so bad to think about the pain he is going to feel when we leave. It hurts me that we are not going to be together as a family. It just hurts. This has somewhat become my home. Several things have helped us make our decision. 1) My Dad is not doing very well right now. Thank our AWESOME LORD his ct scan came back with good results but he is having a lot of fluid build up in his stomach. He had 2 L drawn from his stomach last week and is having it done again tomorrow. They are going to place a port in his stomach which will allow him to draw the fluid out himself. He is also suffering from depression again. Mom says he is very weak, not eating, not sleeping, crying a lot, not wanting to do anything. He is on medication for the depression/anxiety, but his body does not react well to medicine so I personally think it's probably making him worse. I know the girls will be the perfect medicine for him. 2) Shane is not home very often and when he is home he is so tired. He comes home from work, eats, sits down for a little while, and goes to bed. He is going to be gone 2 weeks in Aug. and the entire month of Nov. There are a few other times he will be gone also. The girls and I are here by ourselves ALL THE TIME. And due to the fact it rains A LOT, 99% of the time it's GRAY (cloudy), and we have no car (I didn't bring my car so we only have Shane's), it's kind of lonely sitting in this apt all day. 3) The public schools here are really bad, especially the one they would go to. 4) We were going home in Dec anyway so this will keep us from having to take the girls out of school here and put them in school at home. That would be hard for a kindegartener. 4) I can get a career. 5) Many more. It is going to be so hard leaving, but we both think it's for the best due to circumstances. Shane is going to get a roommate so this makes me feel a little better. We are planning on going home around Aug. 10 or 11.
We had this big camping trip planned for this weekend that we were all so excited about but guess what...Shane has to work on Sat. How crazy is that? I was so upset. Anyways...I'm gonna post some pictures. Enjoy!
I love the pictures! That stinks that Shane has to work so much! Thanks for the message.. I don't know about the twin thing! I think we would go crazy!
While I know you all are sad that you are leaving, you have to do what's best for your family! Enjoy your time and we'll see you when you get back!
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